To achieve gorgeous glowing skin it's important to not only use the right products and have a good skin care routine, but to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. It may seem simple, but if you incorporate the following guidelines for what your skin hates & loves into your daily life (and we do mean daily, as in every single day, not just once in a while!), you'll be on the road to happy, healthy skin in no time. Don't forget to be strict with yourself - eliminate everything your skin hates, and replace with everything it loves - and stick to it!
Things Your Skin Hates:
1. Cigarette Smoke
2. Alcohol
3. Caffeine
4. Processed Sugars
Things Your Skin Loves:
1. Berries, Nuts, Leafy Green Vegetables, Olive Oil, Fish, Green Tea, Soy and Seaweed
2. Regular excercise
3. Daily relaxation & sleep
4. Water